How You Can Help
The best way that you can help us inspire students and adults worldwide is by making a donation that will help us share the film’s message and continue our work with youth.
Sharon Katz & The Peace Train have been doing humanitarian projects in South Africa since 1992 include helping orphanages, building a school and community center, starting gardens and feeding programs, combating HIV/AIDS, providing scholarships, creating jobs and supporting after-school literacy and cultural programs.
To find out more, make a tax-deductible contribution, and get involved in the work of The Peace Train, please visit

Heartfelt thanks to our generous supporters:
Kris Higgins
in memory of Mary Pat Bradley
Puffin Foundation
Be Educated Movement
The Long Island Community Foundation
Stanley & Marion Bergman Family Charitable Fund
Marilyn Arnott
Sandy Appleby & Diana Cook
Lori Dean & Steve Gibson
Joan Myerson Shrager
Premier Travel & Tours
Hollie West
Yvette Adams
Jane Bickford
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
Len Caldwell
Rosetta & Lawyer Chapman
Fran Cohen & Larry Trout
Carol Davis Fenton
Millie Ellerson
Roberta & Roy Feldhusen
Shanna Halpern
Judith Kleinberg
Meryl & Sidney Kobrin
Elsie Lund
Maltre Productions
Paula & Rich Mandel
Bess Morrison, Logan & Fred Miller
Malcolm & Leanne Nhleko
Sonny Ochs
Sandra Penn
Ellie & Elliott Seif
Mindy Taylor & Bill Bailey
Allen Zaklad & Ellen Benson
Maureen Abrams
Sue Alexander
Rebecca Anwar
Marcia Aronson
Barbara Badia
Liz Beacess
Emily Blake
Barbara Bloom
Gwen & Jerry Blum
Isabelle & Hanley Bodek
Caren Borowsky
Christine Brewer
Karen & Sid Burger
Toni Bushnell
Darcelle Caesar
Ashley Campbell
Lee Casper
Emily & Matt Clifton
Shirley Cohen
Dinky & Tom Cohen
Terry Colliton
Richard Curtis
Marie-France Cyr
Sue Davis
Stephen Dill
Linda Donnelly & Joan Skivo
Fran Dreyfus & Barbara Novick
Peter Emanuel
Ann & William Ewing
Pat Finch
Sharon Fisher
Amy Fox
Glenda Fredman
Roy Freeman
Natalie Gabai
Cindy Garnick
Dale Goldberg
Carol Goldman & Nanci Gaglio
Terry Golombick
Steven Roy Goodman
Dan Gottlieb
Kierstin Gray Music
Cathy Guenzel
Bert Harris
Sandra Hayden
Eileen Henry
Saralie Pennington & Thomas Herz
Sarah Hindley
Merle Holman
Flossie Ierardi
Tamar Jacobson
Laura Jankelson
Theresa Jenkinson
Laura Bresler & Bruce Johnson
Bathea & Sam Jones
Myrna Kaplan
Debra Karl
Shelley Kenigsberg
Yvonne M. King
Julie Lambert
Marilyn & Bob Lambert
Carolyn Lane
AnnaLee Lapinski
Doreen LeClair
Lynn & Lawrence Levine
Jean Linsky
Lisa Lissak
joni & Maynard Luterman
Michelle & Cameron Mactavish
Joanne Marriott-Thorne
Barbara McDermott
Bill McDermott
John McGroerty
Philip Melmed
Carol Miller
Barry Mirkin
Barbara Mitchell & Ruth Thornton
Rina Mitchell
Jenny Murphy
Donna & David Neumark
Maxine Ofsowitz
In Memory of Judy Cohen
Mariann Perseo
Ruth & Allan Pleaner
Carol Davis & Rusty Prall
Dawn Pratson
Mark & Judi Price
Trevor Resnick
Lorethia & Welford Roberts
Joseph Robinson
Janet Romero
Jackie Rose
Lily & Paul Rothman
Dorothy Rusoff
Sandy & Benny Saks
Lauren Schwartz Garlick
Rebecca & Joel Schwartz
Carol J. Schwarz
Fred Jeremy Seligson
Margaret Shapiro
Daniel Sharp
Micki Shilan
Karen & Sylvester Slade
Mildred & Ray Smith
Kay Spence
Everett Staten
Joanne Steele
Bonnie Strahs & Rita Myers
Betsy Strausberg
Luci & Steve Stroiman
Martha Swan
Judith & David Tarlo
Trisha & Michael Toth
Monique-Paule Tubb
Anna MM van Erp
JJ Van Name
Zenith Virago
Ken & Judy Weinstein
Ilene Winikur
Juanita Wooten
Ambigay & Charles Yudkoff
Simmy Zivel